Abrasive Wheels Safety Training (31 Languages available)
Abrasive Wheels Safety Training (31 Languages available)
Maintaining Health and Safety at Work
This online training course was designed for employees who handle, operate, and maintain abrasive wheels in the workplace. Covering the dangers, legal responsibilities, and inspections of abrasive wheels, this course aims to leave the user confident in their day-to-day duties working towards compliance with the PUWER regulations.
Abrasive wheels can be extremely dangerous if not used correctly, and this course should not be used instead of practical training, but rather to work alongside practical training to ensure the user understands their legal responsibilities.
The duration of this course is 40 minutes and can be completed over multiple sessions.
The course content will include:
1. An Introduction to Abrasive Wheels
2. The Types of Abrasive Wheels
3. Choosing the Right Wheel
4. Wheel Safety and Maintenance
This course includes:
- Access on all devices, including mobile and TV
- High quality videos and images
- In-course quick reviews
- End of course test (If applicable)
- Nationally recognised Certificate of Completion
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Take your course on laptop, tablet or smartphone
Complete the Final Assessment (if applicable)
Include your new qualification in your resume, or print it off.
Abrasive Wheels Safety Training (31 Languages available)