Handling Violence and Aggression at Work
Handling Violence and Aggression at Work
Learning Nexus
HR Toolkit
Compliance, Governance and the Law
Teachers, doctors, nurses, carers, social workers, public transport
workers, shop workers, DHSS staff, and many others, are all at risk
every working day.
That said, there is much that employees and employers can do to reduce the number of victims – and undertaking this course is a
positive first step.
The duration of this course is 20 minutes and can be completed over multiple sessions.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Spot the warning signs of violence and aggression
• Understand how your actions can contribute to violence and aggression
• Acknowledge how to minimise the risk of violence and aggression
This course includes:
- Access on all devices, including mobile and TV
- High quality videos and images
- In-course quick reviews
- End of course test (If applicable)
- Nationally recognised Certificate of Completion
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Take your course on laptop, tablet or smartphone
Complete the Final Assessment (if applicable)
Include your new qualification in your resume, or print it off.
Handling Violence and Aggression at Work
Learning Nexus