Licensing Law Awareness
Licensing Law Awareness
Food and Drink Hospitality and Manufacturing
The duration of this course is 45-60 minutes and can be completed over multiple sessions.
When you have completed this you will be able to:
• Identify the benefits to society of regulating alcohol and state the key provisions of the Licensing Act 2003
• State the four licensing objectives
• Explain the role of the licensing authority
• State the mandatory conditions that apply to all premises that authorise the sale of alcohol
• Identify the four licensable activities that are defined in the Licensing Act 2003
• Define unauthorised licensable activities
• State the penalties for breaching the conditions of a premises licence
• Explain when a Temporary Events Notice (TEN) can be applied for
• Define the role of the personal designated premises supervisor and the personal licence holder
This course includes:
- Access on all devices, including mobile and TV
- High quality videos and images
- In-course quick reviews
- End of course test (If applicable)
- Nationally recognised Certificate of Completion
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Take your course on laptop, tablet or smartphone
Complete the Final Assessment (if applicable)
Include your new qualification in your resume, or print it off.
Licensing Law Awareness