Managing Workplace Transport Health and Safety Risks (ROSPA Endorsed)
Managing Workplace Transport Health and Safety Risks (ROSPA Endorsed)
Learning Nexus
Maintaining Health and Safety at Work
Every year, around 50 people are killed in accidents involving
workplace transport, with such accidents also causing more
than 1,500 major injuries and about 3,500 less serious injuries
each year.
Accidents involving workplace transport also represent a major
cost to businesses; the Health and Safety Executive calculates
that a relatively minor accident - for example one which results
in a few days off work - is likely to cost an employer around
£3,500, whilst a major accident can cost around £30,000.
This course will help the learner to manage risks in such a
way that accidents involving workplace transport will be much
less likely.
The duration of this course is 20 minutes and can be completed over multiple sessions.
This course will provide an understanding of:
• The importance of ‘raising awareness’ of workplace transport health and safety risks and safety precautions
• The concept of ‘organising for safety’
• Understand the legal risk assessment requirements relating to workplace transport
• How to eliminate and reduce the risks arising from transport hazards, by ensuring a safe site, safe vehicles, and safe
This course includes:
- Access on all devices, including mobile and TV
- High quality videos and images
- In-course quick reviews
- End of course test (If applicable)
- Nationally recognised Certificate of Completion
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Managing Workplace Transport Health and Safety Risks (ROSPA Endorsed)
Learning Nexus