Time Management: Planning and Scheduling
Time Management: Planning and Scheduling
Learning Nexus
Leadership, Management, Productivity and Team Work
Time is a finite resource that cannot be stored or saved for later use - time poorly used cannot be retrieved. Everyone has exactly the same amount of time each day, so how well it is used will figure highly in defining levels of job performance. For these reasons, the ability to analyse how time is spent, identify poor use and then effectively plan and schedule time usage in the future is essential, especially for busy people. This course will enable you to undertake all these key time management activities.
The duration of this course is 20 minutes and can be completed over multiple sessions.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
• Describe the reasons for, and benefits of, keeping an activity log
• Understand what we mean by planning and scheduling
• Describe how to create an activity log
• Understand the purpose of a ‘to-do’ list
• Know how to use a ‘to-do’ list
• List the key features of an effective scheduling tool
• Understand how to schedule tasks and activities
This course includes:
- Access on all devices, including mobile and TV
- High quality videos and images
- In-course quick reviews
- End of course test (If applicable)
- Nationally recognised Certificate of Completion
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Time Management: Planning and Scheduling
Learning Nexus